მაი. / 2017 15:15 27 MayIOSEB STALIN MUSEUM 21:00Official opening 21:00 – 15:00Exhibition of children’s handmade items 22:00 Exhibition of Kakha Topchishvili’s work 22:30 Show by “Shavparosnebi” 23:00 Live music 00:0018
მაი. / 2017 15:0018
მაი. / 2016 15:00 From 18 to 31 MayGoga Chanadiri exhibition “Architect of Stalin period” is opened in our Museum today.18
მაი. / 2016 15:00 May 18 is the International Museum Day! Since 1977, according to the ICOM, (International Council of Museums) this day is celebrated by open doors day in all over the world, the exhibitions, educational programs and other activities and held. Stalin21
მარ. / 2016 16:00 World Day of Down Syndrome in the State Stalin Museum15
სექ. / 2015 15:00 InviteGeorgian photographer Ushangy Didberuashvili exhibition"Gori Photo Chronicle"1953-57 years15 of September in 2015, 15:00 o'clock26
მაი. / 2015 17:0001
მაი. / 2015 17:00 "დრო" - ამ სახელწოდებით ი.ბ. სტალინის სახელმწიფო მუზეუმის საგამოფენო სივრცეში წარმოდგენილი იქნება სამხატვრო აკადემიის სტუდენტების ნამუშევრები.